How To Get Rid Of A Wasp In Your Bathroom

How To Get Rid Of A Wasp In Your Bathroom

Wasps in the bathroom

WaspKill UK Pest Control

Why you have wasps in your bathroom

We were recently called out to a property on the outskirts of Bristol where we had been given a report by the customer that wasps had been entering the shower and bathroom.

To begin with the wasps had been carefully removed with a glass and a small piece of cardboard, and nothing more was was considered until one appeared in the shower and the customer was stung.

On arrival we asked a number of q u estions to help us ascertain what the cause was and looking in the bathroom there were the first to culprits of wasps in bathrooms — integrated ceiling lights and an extractor fan, together with lots of gaps around boxed in pipework.

The wasps in this instance had managed to build a nest in a rather unfortunate place. we first thought that the wasps might be coming through small gaps around the ceiling lights, but what was actually happening was more unusual.

The wasps had built a nest inside the extractor hose for the shower! After twenty minutes of preparation we had treated the nest and the customer had a fully functioning extractor fan and a wasp free shower and bathroom.

Wasps also appear in bathrooms for the following reasons:

  1. If a nest is in the loft they commonly come through light fittings and gaps where pipes etc come through the ceiling.
  2. If the wasps are in a wall cavity, they commonly come through holes in the floor or from gaps around boxed in pipework, gaps where pipes go through floors and walls and also through gaps around window frames and bath panels.
  3. Finally the next most common entry point is open windows. Wasps have linear flight paths in and out of a nest. Open windows often confuse and intercept wasps traveling to and from nearby nests.

Wasps are not the only insects that like extractor hoses. We more commonly find bumble bees nesting in them.

Above you will see a photo of a similar wasp nest we treated earlier this year in an almost identical location.

Contact our Bristol wasp control service call 0117 303 5181.

How To Get Rid Of A Wasp In Your Bathroom



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